entri emosi. kalau agak2 tak boleh terima. sila tekan butang pangkah atas sekali belah kanan.
dah berbulan emosi sebenarnya. tapi as usual, we suppress the emotion down under until its hard to reach out. klimaks dia adalah tengah bulan April hari tu. tapi boleh lagi lah nak tahan2 sebab taknak ambil pusing lagi. kemudian datang lagi bencana awal bulan Mei. ei, tak sedar2 diri lagi tu. kemudian ni nak datang bencana lagi. update facebook like you are 20 years old. ni yang susah bila orang tua baru nak ber'social network. jakun dia lain macam. berak pun nak update kot.
if happen you read this, naiklah angin ke... apa ke. I don't really care. for past A LOT of years, I've been cleaning your shit. so, whatever wants to happen, BRING IT ON!
talking about your right. hei, kata tengah mendekatkan diri pada ALLAH. bagi segala ayat2 Al-Qur'an pada I. dah tengok belum whether you have the right? NO. NADA. NONE. TAK ADA. do you hear me? you don't have even a slight right on what you have been claiming yours. I nak membebel panjang lebar lagi. but I don't want to be like you. I want to keep my sanity in. in Islam and in Malaysia, you don't have any right.
saying, "see you in court" to someone very vulnerable. hoyeahhhh! *clapclap. good for you. if you want to bring this in court, hear me, there's no rule in Malaysia will support your case. you'll lose before stepping into any lawyer's room. and banyaknya duit you nak bayar lawyer. hutang2 tak reti pulak nak bayar.
eh, I dah state 2 points. I think that's enough for someone like you. I mean, someone who puts themselves first before putting somebody else behind them. you taknak pikir. if only you berpikir, things like this won't happen. whatever it is, I had enough of all your drama. seems that, old enough never reach your maturity. good luck though.
p/s (i) : ha, macamlah i tak biasa, kena balik with whatever i said to you. balik2, i yang salah. i am the one had to say sorry to you. that was before.
p/s (ii) : i have a job. i have a husband. i have a stable life.
p/s (iii) : sian ayah lama tak gi mancing. ni nak lepas gian lah tu. goodluck ayah.
p/s (iv) : malam ni ada live tak sukma? how i miss my boys. maybe i don't belong in their lives anymore. aih...
03062014 ~ 10.42am
meja aku ~ bilik guru subjek umum-ILPPG
we were made for each other...
My Heart, My Soul, My Family, My Gerek, My Life

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
splinter under skin
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