we were made for each other...

Mrs. Azuan forever

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

we are engaged! ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

since we found L.O.V.E

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


My Heart, My Soul, My Family, My Gerek, My Life

Thursday, April 2, 2009

teslnite '09 ~~ TESLove

dah hampir 2 minggu actually tesl nite 2009. tp hanya berkesempatan update untuk tesl nite hari ni... kerja banyak woo... tak cukup 24 jam sehari. berkejar2 terasa... minggu ni memang topsy turvy. assignments kena submit dua assignments and ada dua tests. macam haram... and kena cari tajuk PSM dengan supervisor nya sekali... seram je sebut PSM ni... belum pun habis lecture time tahun 3 dah kena pikir pasal PSM. seram2...

eh, back to the topic. TESL NITE!!! best... the food was marvellous... tapi dek kerana sesuatu, aku makan tak puas. menyesal!!! aku harap can turn back time and makan puas2. makanan dia memang best lah... MUTIARA HOTEL kan... he... tapi tesl nite tahun ni macam kurang sesuatu. maybe tak berapa happening. aku rasa macam batch kitorang yang final year. hehe... ni nk tunjuk pic kitorang di malam tu...

inilah dia kami di malam tu... bermacam kaler and gaya... tengok bibi tu. daring sungguh. huhu... ni tengah2 tu coordinator kitorang. nice person. really admire her. nak jadi macam dia some day nanti. hehe... berangan.

p/s : wait for our drama performance. 11april tapi tempat belum confirm lagi. sangat susah nak cari tempat. ai... saje je buat naya kat budak2 tau subjek ni... uhukuhuk...

02042009 ~ 1.20am
bilik aku - u7a~903


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